Choke regulation vs power conditioner

As you all know the Musical Fidelity A3CR and A3.2CR range have dual choke regulation. this is claimed to filter out electrical noise and interference. If this is correct then perhaps a Power conditioner is not necessary, just a simple PC UPS might suffice for surge protection only. Net result hundreds if not thousands of dollars saved.
I am taking receipt of MF A3.2 power amp, pre-amp and CD player soon. Does my reasoning stand-up or am I deluding myself?
There are products specifically made for surge protection & some noise filtering. They work very well provided one uses a rating ~4x the power rating of the devices connected.

I don't think a PC USB would be harmful -- at worst it will kill dynamic peaks unless you use the monsters for server farms.
OK, I'll concede that PC UPS was a bad idea, but I'm still unsure if dual choke regulation completely avoids the need for noise filtration. If it does its a nice bonus. if its "smoke and mirrors" then I may need to look at conditioners when my finances allow.
Alot of stuff sold here falls under the heading of it makes sense or under theory.Both of which usual die at the first rays of the sun.Most of that stuff is very system-dependant.Fortunately alot of the good guys offer 30 day trials.Go with God and watch your wallet,cheers,Bob
My phono stage is also choke regulated (Hagerman Trumpet). I've had several different types of power conditioners through my system to check them out in different places and the Trumpet sounds best directly into the wall. I don't think choke regulation works for everything, but I have found that if it is incorporated into the unit by the designer then nothing else will improve on it.