Berning ZH-270 Replacement


I would value suggestions from anyone who has listened to the David Berning ZH-270 complete with the upgrades and who can advise on what integrateds if any they have heard that better it.

I am running Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers with a subwoofer.

Advice and recommendations welcome

The Berning is not a true OTL amp.

Ralph Karsten provided an in depth explanation in a thread here a year or so ago. Search the archives for it.

That being said, the ZH-270 is a terrific product.
I had a ZH-270 that was mated to Chris Sommovigo's Stereolab Angelus speakers and it sounded terrific. I moved it and other componenets in my system to help come up with the down payment on a condo. Then the bottom fell out of the market and not long after I was out of work. I was able to get back on my feet quickly and found a Luxman L590 A II at almost half price.

In short, I don't miss the Berning and it makes a great combo with the Angelus speakers.
AudioFeil International, Correction, "A True OTL" is precisely what a Berning ZH270 IS - OUTPUT TRANSFORMERLESS. A Futterman OTL based or derivative is what a Berning ZH IS NOT. There is a specific distinction to the cutting edge, modern OTL design topology executed within the Berning and the 50+ year old highly limited and unstable OTL technology used in the Atmasphere.
I joined the Homage club a short while back. Usually you try to find the best amp to make your speaker sound its best. The GH's are unique to me in that they seem to make each amp sound its best. When they were delivered to my house I hooked them up to a vintage Marantz 19 receiver just to see if they survived shipping. They sounded great. Hooked them up to my Carissa Sig (845 SET), great. Seemed to have a special synergy with my 300b. They now reside in my home/office with a Pass XA30.5 driving them to my pleasure. Now that Summer is here I will using my Red Wine Audio 30.2 to help with the heat issue. I'm pretty confident that will be good too.

Recommendations? Pass has a 150.5 integrated that I have a feeling would work very well with the GH. I can let you know how the RWA works if you care. It's an integrated. Good luck.
IME, the Berning is a great amp, but not great as an integrated. The volume control is nothing but average. Try it with a good separate line stage, and only then judge the quality of the amp.
If you are limited strictly to integrateds, consider the VAC. If you have power-hungry 4ohm load, then I'd look at Pass. Cheers,
