Advice on a nice integrated is needed

Hi all. I intend to build up a secondary system around a very high class integrated amp.

On my very short list are: JRDG Continuum 500, Gryphon Diabolo, McIntosh MA 7000 and ASR Emitter Version Blue SE

Has anybody directly compared these devices ? Any input is appreciated.

I prefer integrateds for my use. You can get a fantastic integrated in the price range you are considering. If it were me, I'd include the Accuphase E-450 or E-550, Luxman integrateds, JRDG Continuum 500, and ASR Emitter. Denjo at Audiocircle went through a year long odyssey trying out integrateds and ended up with the E-450.
Ggeifman: I´ve owned the AX-7e and found it to be a very nice integrated in its price range and slightly above. But I´m looking for the "best" solution out of an integrated.

Foster 9: I already "enjoyed" the big E-550 and despite its nice build quality and flexibility I stumbled a bit over the quite old fashion looks and the quite boring and sterile sound.

Currently I strongly think about the JRDG 500 but I´m a bit afraid of hifish sound due to its ICE power amp which is said to sound a bit special. I love the looks and the build quality of the Rowland, unfortunately nobody in my area carries this device for listening. Any special comments on the 500 ?
Frankpiet, contact member Guidocorona for comments on the JRDG 500. Since the Accuphase E-550 sounded boring and sterile to you, I'd think something was wrong in that setup. (maybe the amp/speaker match or source) I'd also add the relatively new to the market Esoteric A100 to my audition list as well. Let us know about your decision.