Help me down grade

I used to spend a lot of time listening and enjoying my system (cj 11a, ai 3a, well tempered table with clearaudio wood, cary 303 hdch and energy vertitas 2.3s). I now listen to the system a few times a year. I'm getting married and have agreed to down grade to a "book shelf system" for space and $ considerations. My living room is very live. It has lots of windows, hard wood floors, and old plaster walls. I have found that tubes have been the only solution to mellow out the live room. So, is it possible to get a decent book self tube system for 1000 to 1500? Suggestions?

Don't give up on something that brought you so much pleasure? I agree with Jaybo also. I think if you downgrade from your current system to a bookshelf system, you will never listen to it. If you are definitely going to go with a bookshelf system, why bother concerning yourself with the room? I suggest that you sit down and listen to your current system before you part with it.
To Robr45 - yes I need a source - thanks
To Cyclonicman - thanks for your concern. Its a little touching to hear these pleas to keep what I have. If I had the dough and the space, I would certainly keep the system because on the rare occasions when I do listen ... it is very nice. But ... I do need the $ and I'm not as attached to the system as I used to be. Thanks again though!

two points...listening time comes in cycles, so its hard to predict when you'll have time or not(all working stiffs find this out eventually, and in weak moments sell things they shouldn't ) individual's 'space' and 'time' eventually becomes an issue in marriage (hopefully not a dealbreaker)...don't trade either for a handful of beads. as for downgrading, there are a wealth on underpriced integrateds out there, and 'real' bookshelf speakers too.
Don't do it unless you have to.

If you have to, keep the table and add a decent phono pre-amp if needed and build something around a music server with wireless connection to Roku Soundbridge or Logitech Squeezebox and a Peachtree Nova (a hybrid integrated with tubed pre-amp and DAC) moving forward.
Invest in a Squeezebox with a nice tube integrated and small speakers by ProAc or Spendor--you will be amazed at the kind of sound you can get with such a system. Buy used!