"O Perfect Preamp, wherefore art thou?"

Help me find my beloved. Here is a description:

-She has nice tubes and a beautiful voice
-Her superb Phono Stage can drive a 0.28mv cart with ease and grace
-She has the ability to bypass a Cinema when asked
-She is very very quiet
-She is single (ended), but is not averse to having a balanced life in the future
-She looks great, even though she may be "of a certain age"

If you know her, tell me her name and where I can find her.

Many thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
I will second the recommendation of the VAC Renaissance. Excellent build quality, no cheap folded sheetmetal chassis like a lot of others and a jewel like faceplate. A great sounding pre with all the features you asked for. Expect to pay 4K plus used.
I've yet to see a preamp that runs single-ended, but then can be balanced in the future... what we are really talking about here is a balanced preamp that can run single-ended for now.

Most balanced preamps can do that.

So- does this mean you want to know what the best balanced line tube preamps are?

Atma-Sphere MP-1 MkIII w/balanced phono
Aesthetix line/phono combo
ARC Ref 3 dunno if they still have a balanced phono stage though.
Allen Wright Vacuum State

I'd start there- that is if you really want true balanced capability.