Help choosing coupling caps

I have an Audioprism Mantissa tubed linestage and have upgraded the caps to teflons (Chris V V caps) amazing sound and very revealing

I'm now thinking of changing the caps on my dodds. i'm looking at v caps once again however the cost and revealing nature of these caps may become "too much of a good thing" and perhaps I should look at a similar quality cap that errs a bit on the neutral/warm side of things

Anyone have experience using different caps in conjunction with Chris Teflons
i'm in process of gathering information at this time any relevant input is very much appreciated
I am in the process of breaking the V-caps and they sound very fat and bloated, no space between the instruments for the first 100 hrs. I am at about 200 hours and they are now listenable, top end is better, and they are starting to sound different on every me the acid test. Before, the sound was very generic and the same...not good. They are neither warm or bright, they are just as the source is...neutral. I am using (4) .22/600V coupling caps and (2).47 600V caps. They are being compared to some custom styrenes, which up until now have been the reference I have heard. The v-caps must be heard to be believed. They are the real deal. Forget power cords, and resonance things until your caps are settled. Spending 2k on a cord when you could spend it on caps is not wise IMHO. Jallen
If you got the bucks for the V caps then go for it!!
Otherwise the Sonic Teflon caps are suppose to be excellent.
I am running a pair of Russion K40 PIO on the inputs and Mundorf Silver in Oil on outputs. I see no reason to change them. (Though I may try the Russians on the output also)
Warm full detailed and tight sound.
I'd say hit ebay and buy up some Russion military K40 caps, and be done. I have been told that these caps would be worth over $100 if made today.
I use Mundorf Silver/Oil output couplers in my cd player (Exemplar 2900), and preamp (deHavilland Mercury II). They have a warm but detailed presentation, and the pace and rythm are very "liquid" sounding. Good listening. Jeff
i just posted thread on a/a , im looking for one more person to buy at least 1 more V CAP with me { 2uF 300v )so we can get the 5-24 discount as well as 15% off sale at PC. anyone interested let me know. The 15% off sale is good til the end of NOV.
this may not be the right place to post this BUT for some reason I cant post a thread on A'GON only reply so this seems the best place to do it.
Pat, check out my listening impressions of the Duelund VSF over at my virtual system. Over the top review, the Duelunds are the real deal!