How important is S/N Ratio....?

Over the years I have owned many amps....rated at different S/N ratios. As a example 80,90,100 or 120 db down....but some sound more transparent than others regardless.Also the higher the rating theoreticly is should sound better....right? Does your amp sound better than the advertised rating? If it does.....tell me 3 things that stand out about your amp.

Wavetrader - as far as I know electrons don't flow. Electric current is an electromagnetic wave (while electrons move only about 1/2" per second) which is also difficult to explain using example od stacked balls since space between electrons is in order of 100000 time their size. One theory says that electrons emit photons but this doesn't add up if we assume that photons can move in any direction. It is probably better explained here:
I have had occasion to work with an F15 fighter in a flight testing project. Let me tell you, a full afterburner takeoff from a couple of hundred feet beside the runway is an awesome experience.

I didn't know there were some aeronuts here on A'gon. This is the World's best aerobatic pilot of all time - Jim Leroy.

BTW - Topgun is pretty awesome on HT with the volume cranked. However flying these things and cranking those g's is not all that pleasant - believe me I have first hand experience being up there...
You guys make me laugh though. F15 taking off. 135 db spl. Too loud. That is nothing. You guys are just wussies. Here I am at the airfield with my 153 db SPL system - just kidding ;-)