Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff

Hello all. I am new to the site but have been ravenously reading reviews and posts the last few weeks. I am in the proccess of replacing my 20 year old Boston A 400's with the Sttafs....Now my dilemma.I am currently running a Denon 2106 and have found a helpful dealer selling...Naim, Creek, Sim, Cambridge, Arcam. I am seriously considering jumping in the deep end of the audio pool and get a new power source as well to match....My problem..The dealer is a 3 hr drive away so auditioning the Totems and the matching amps is possible, im hoping your experince may help me have a better starting point if im to drive that far....I know other brands are out there, but I dont have access to viewing them, let alone buying them. Im hoping $ 1,500 cdn will put me in a good spot to get the most from the Totems...Thanks in advance.
Hieule5- I no longer sell Totem because I no longer sell anything. I have a different job. But fyi, I used to sell Usher too and I wouldn't even compare better Totems to the S520's, although Usher makes great speakers too as well as Dynaudio. I've compared the Totem Sttafs directly to the high end Be-718's and it was an even tradeoff. Better midrange and imaging, vs. more dynamics and gobs of detail. The Usher Tiny Dancers are a great speaker though as well, and will provide more output if you like it loud. One of the major cost differences in a "Budget level" speaker is weather the company uses real wood veneers, or if it's lacqered or vinyl wrapped. Dynaudio makes great speakers too, but if you want to talk about expensive, they've got a small bookshelf that costs $7,000 a pair! Some people and I suspect that you are one of these people, will say that they are way too expensive for what they offer, others will say that it's the best monitor bookshelf available, the price be damned. All depends what paradigm you come from.

Anyway, the original poster was looking for Integrated suggestions for the Sttafs that he's wisely chosen, not someone to tell him that his choice is overpriced and doesn't perform as well as "such 'n such" cheap speaker. Maybe you should should start your own thread, where you discuss what people who don't like audio enough to devote much of their expendable income to it, buy!

Suggestion to you: an Ipod and headphones
Hieule 5,

HA! I bet I am even cheaper than you. I have a Cambridge Azur 640C v2 that is about 2.5 years old, and it works like a champ. When Cambridge first came out with the 640C version 1, they had some problems with noisy transformers and the left channel on some units (rushed to market?). Before I had the version 2 I owned a later model 640C version 1 for a few months and had no difficulties with that either. I haven't heard much about QA/QC problems with the brand since the first batch of bad 640C units.

The 640C version 2 is noticeably more accomplished than the first version, and the 840C is significantly more polished and analog sounding than the 640C v2.
Back to topic, I STILL think the Onkyo A-9555 would be a great match with the Totems under discussion. I have heard myriad Cambridges, some Regas, Creeks, and Musical Fidelities, and I'd take the Onkyo in a heartbeat for being better at everything--bass extension and clarity, transparency, tonal balance, smoothness, musicality, microdynamics, macrodynamics, and low level detail in proper perspective to bloom and fullness.

It's almost risk-free to try--$474-494 at with free shipping and a 30-day trial period.

Just give it 100 hrs to break in and hook it up with a good aftermarket power cord. The PS Audio XStream Prelude should do just fine.

What if I'm right?
Let me start by thanking everyone for their responces...As I suspected when I started this post, it was going to get off topic...Its great we all have differnt points of view and can share opionions.I have to agree with the one posters that said sometimes the emphases is placed on the equipment itself, rather than what my ears tell me, and thats what i was looking for...Some people like one brand, others thinking its **** just one persons (or more) opinion....Seems Sim Audio, Naim, are my top contenders( to audition) because i cant listen to some of the brands as they are not carried where i live...So thanks again and keep posting......I can take what i like ----and leave the rest.
I am not sure if you have purchased your integrated for the sttaf's yet or not. However I thought I would add my two cents for what its worth. I have a pair of totem arrow's that I was looking to drive. Believe it or not they are actually somewhat more difficult to attain their potential than their larger brother the sttaf. I was using an arcam AVR300 in Bi amp. mode. The sound was pleasing, but somehow lacking. Although I could listen to disc after disc without ear fatigue I knew something was not their or veiled withing the sonic signature of the amplifier. I ended up pairing the arro's with a creek 5350se. At first it seemed a bit forward, but upon many A-B listening tests between the arcam, and a Sim Audio HT3 I found the sweet spot for my totems was the creek. It isn't perfect, but nice, easy on the ears and it will allow me to get on with listening to music and not think about the gear for a while. For the money Its a pretty impressive piece sonically. It may not have the flash of some brands but it delivers solid performance.

Anyways good luck in your search, let your ears lead you and enjoy the purchase you make.