Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
No worries Charles, you've been properly careful with your language. It's just that I'll be buying a new pair of 300b tubes sometime next fall and now you've made me want a more expensive set. And, unfortunately, I'm now stuck wanting a new rectifier tube as well, although I can at least swing that one before the new job starts in August.
Elrog update,
I guess I should have seen this coming, the good has gotten better. The sound continues to open up and has improved on what was described just a few days ago.

In essence here's what's evolving. The foundation, weight and body have improved(out of the box this was already exceptional). Yet at the same time resolution,musical subtleties,nuance, micro information are just fleshed out beautifully. The chemistry and interaction of the musicians becomes so apparent. Tonality and fully sorted out harmonic color and richness is simply excellent. The music flows fluidly with emotion and humanity. It's very difficult to end a listening session. I went well beyond my bedtime last night, couldn't help myself. These tubes are for pure music lovers as opposed to gearheads who are primarily into the components in and of themselves.

If all or most of what I'm hearing is due to thoriated tungsten filaments, why did it take so long for someone to try this material/construction in the 300b(that's been in production for 80 years)?
Anyone with a good quality 300b amplifier must seriously consider buying the Elrogs. These are genuinely special tubes. and will improve any system with their installment in my opinion.
Charles1dad, Thanks so very much for your audio community contribution with test and results of these very fine tubes. If their were more like you their would be a lot less BS in the industry and a lot less wasted money. I don't know about some audiophiles but my money is still made the hard way,I work for it,and if I can go straight to this tube and not waste the money or time trying two or three pairs of expensive tubes then that's just great and you are to be commended! I'm sure there are some who are not too happy with your forthcoming candor of all the tubes you've spoken of. Again thanks, this all said as I order a pair of Elrogs! Lol! Heck, I just may go ahead an order an 845 pair as well.
Charles, thanks for sharing. For Coincident Frank MK II, do you roll 6EM7 tubes as well? What is your pick? Thanks.
I appreciate your comments and thank you. I sincerely believe your money will be wisely spent purchasing the Elrogs.

Wyan001, I haven't rolled that driver tube and I don't think there are many choices of them. If you do that please post your impressions.