The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?

Just curious about what others have to say. For me it was Neil Young's live at Massey Hall, just plain amazing, both for contents and sonics. Neil is alone with his D-45 Martin, and plays a perfect, intimate concert. Come to think of it make that the cd I most listened to in the last 5 years. Purchased the DVD also. Your pick?
Back in '07 for me it was probably 16 Horsepower, "Folklore"...Hey, didn't "In Rainbows" come out in January '08?

Yeah but they also released it as a download a few months earlier. I burned a copy and played the heck out of it in my truck.
For me it was probably "Neon Bible" by Arcade Fire. Wilco's "Sky Blue Sky" was a close second.
Herbie Hancock's "Gershwin's World" ... very well recorded mix of vocals, instrumentals, and a nice piano solo at then end. Real good stuff.