Amp for Quad ESL 57

I recently bought a pair of Quad ESL 57, Wayne Piquet modified. They are simply amazing. I am currently using my McIntosh MA2275, and it does a good job overall. However, I wonder whether the new Quad II-Forty might a better choice. Any idea?
Has anyone used an Atmasphere S30 with a Quad 57? Your comments about the synergy would be appreciated.
Do the amp requirments change for stacked Quads?
Thanks, Frank

I drove a pair of Quad 57's with an S-30 a few years ago. Since I'm a dealer for the latter I'll refrain from editorializing too much and just say that yes, it can be done.

For stacked Quads driven in parallel, in my opinion the S-30's output impedance is too high. The M-60 would be a better choice. If the stacked Quads are wired in series, I think the S-30 would work fine.

I know a speaker cable designer who used stacked Quad 57's (wired in parallel I believe but I can find out for sure if you'd like) driven by M-60's as his reference system.

Any of the Esoteric Audio Research amps will sound marvellous with the Quads, other than being built in the same home town, the designer, Tim De Parvicini voices his amps with Quads and winds his output transformers to optimally deal with the wild loads they present.
My single ended EAR 869 profoundly pairs with the 57's as if there was to be no better of a perfect match, this combo delivers the 4th dimension AND bass !!
Thanks to you all. Lots of good suggestions.

I've heard great things about the EARs. AS for the EAR 869, are 15W x channel enough? I have a small room right now, but I plan to move to a slightly larger one soon...and I am afraid I need a bit more power.