I need a pair of small mono amps that I can hide behind my subs(Kinergetics SW-800), I can leave on, don't get hot and have alot of power to drive and control the six 10" woofers per side. Are the Nuforce up to the challange or should I be looking elsewhere?! I would like at least 300watts or better per channel. The subs a 4ohm. Thanks for any info!
The K1 Destroys the Nuforce, no joke... It is a pro unit, no fan, barely any heat, and can be driven way beyond the input voltage and has a 28 db setting, 1.4 volt setting, and bridge Switch...Can take full boosted output of like 20 db gain from a parametric or other processor, especially pro units that can do this. I picked one up for 400 used, it is a very similar to digital design, I swear I did see a module inside the Crown that had ICE written on it, but not to mention it only idols pulling 12 watts from the wall, it is All U.S.A built, and dead silent, ZERO FM interferance problems, Zero Hum, Zero HISS... On 98 DB efficient drivers.. Now I have heard the nuforce standard versions, they will not hold up to the crown.. But the Crown has a Huge Torroid and Way Higher Peak power for way less money, and again it is a pro unit designed for a good beating, has built in limiters, and Has Individule Detent Gain Controls for each channel so you can taylor to your liking. Only problem with them is the Binding posts are rediculously close on the back and a little tuff to hook up without using a Quarter to tighten them up, and you will need to have RCA to Balanced cables if you are running RCA.. You will not hear the Crown K1 Click, Pop, or Hum when Turned on, it will not Dim the lights etc... Not to say the nuforce will, just giving an Idea of the quality in this unit. By the way the Crowns are Stereo, but if you must have mono blocks to seperate across the room, than well you need 2, otherwise go with the nuforce, but seems to be a waste of money for Subwoofer bass.
I've owned the Crown K1 and used it on my Apogee Studio Grand subs. Didn't like it. It had plenty of output, but no bass definition. I thought it would be the ultimate amp for my subs, but I was wrong. My Classe 201 amp smoked it but runs much hotter. I want a amp(s) that I can leave on 24hrs and not worry about heat/power consumption. Thanks for the Nuforce info Plato. Looks like 9se's are the ones to get! I just ordered a Velodyne SMS-1 so I need to find some power for my Kinergetic subs soon!
Give EarthQuake Sound in Hayward, California a call and see if they'll sell their plate amps separately. You'll have a high pass filter and gain control with low and high level inputs, little to no heat, and signal sensing auto on. Nice folks and great service too.

I agree with Ptheo regarding Crown's K series. I used one in my electric Bass rig, which includes a Bag End sub that needs 400 watts max, simply poor low level definition. For Pro amps check out Crest or QSC, I believe they're both making fan-less models.
Interesting on the K-series.

The two negatives are in contrast with what many others using them seem to be saying and in contrast with my own experience.
Whoaru99; In an effort to qualify my comment I can only offer simple comparisons. I'm currently using a Velodyne DD 18 in my two channel system, an EarthQuake Super Nova 15 ( dialed in using the Velodyne program) in the HT setup, QSC PLX 2402 driving a Bag End ELF-M / S18 E subwoofer and a D10 BX for stage Bass amplification.

Before purchasing subs for the audio systems I would frequently use the Bag End system at home. During that time I had the opportunity to use amplifiers from Crown ( K and Macro series ), Crest, Yamaha, Eden, Carvin, and QSC, in both stage and audio applications. While all the amplifiers drove the sub only the Macro, Crest, and QSC could reproduce accurate tone and fundamental from the B string of my Lakland 5-94. The K would shut down often during a live performance and had a noticeably thin sound both on stage and at home. On the other hand the Macro preformed well but it's size, weight, and the poor service Crown offered with regards to the K kept it out of my rack. While low bass is not as abundant in an audio application as it is when playing a five string bass, the definition is still obvious.

A driver/cabinet unable to resolve a flat signal into the low twenty's as well as a room too small to handle the wavelength produced by such a cabinet can easily mask an amplifiers ability at this low level.

I am in no way questioning your experience with this product. If Crown's K series amp is working for you that's great, they're economical and abundant.