BEHOLD - digital gear from Germany

So has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the digital preamp and amp. combination from Behold? They've been getting a lot of traction at Stereotimes and a few honorable mentions on Soundstage!
If you've heard it: how does it compare to the other digital offerings available, or for that matter, how does compare to all the long-standing analog products on the market??
C'mon people - isn't this the place where all the self-proclaimed audiophiles and experts spend all their leisure time looking for the chance to show the rest of the world how knowledgeable they are!? that's gonna attract even *more replies.
Plato - agreed on the price, that's steep admission. But nonetheless, I'm simply curious to know if anyone, other than a reviewer, has heard it.

Ultimately, I tend to put more value on what private individuals have to say about a product than what various publications have to say.

I'm surprised that apparently so few people have heard of the name, given the publicity they've been receiving. I would have thought that given it's digital design, there would at least be some opinions..
publicity?....Google turns up very little? Also, where in North/South America are their dealers?...BEHOLD USA lists no dealer network at all....hardly surprising that no one has jumped in with much input?
