Roger Sanders is back

Roger has started a new company and I thought that many of you guys would like to know that. Here's his company's website


Thanks for sharing the good news, Angela. It's great that Roger is back doing what he loves, and I can't wait to see what else he comes up with.

After having been through something that was frighteningly similar, I am very pleased to see that y'all have sorted things out and are back to give it another shot. Best of luck to you!
Am I being dense, or are there no speakers advertised on the Sanders site? I see amps for esl, etc., but no speakers?
Mr. Sanders is working with Mr. Beveridge (the founder's son)to produce an eliptical electrostatic speaker. I've seen the photos. If it produces the best of Mr. Sander's and Mr. Beveridge's prior designs it will be world class. I can't wait to hear them.

i spoke to roger earlier this year and borrowed his amp for evaluation with my magnepan 1.6s. i sent it back and chatted with him regarding the design of electrostatic speakers.

he indicated that he might be working with the son of david beveridge to create a full range esl. you will need to speak to him about this project.