NAD Quality?

I have considered upgrading my vintage NAD receiver with a newer NAD unit. What concerns me is the amount of "refurbished" NAD gear that is being sold by various outlets.

Were these units returned simply because the owners were not happy with the sound, etc?

Or, were they returned because they were defective? With the amount of refurbed NAD gear that is available I have to wonder about the overall quality of the brand.
My experience. I bought a NAD referb product about 25 years ago (at least!) and it proved to be defective. I returned it and bought a NEW piece of NAD gear in exchange(the venerable 3020 integrated) which I still have and STILL WORKS FINE!

Even though NAD's philosophy is to use cheap parts but utilize good design doesn't mean they can't put out good sounding gear that will last.

Rotel's build quality is far better, FWIW.
I would rather suggest that you aviod the above-mentioned brand. They used to be very good but I doubt them these days! Construction is rather poor...

Have a look at DENON...

Best regards,
Dewald Visser
Hammer -Still have a 3020?! That was my first amp and a friend is still using it! I loved that amp, chose it over many more expensive amps I tried.
That being said, I would recommend looking at Cambridge stuff. I bought a Cambridge integrated for second system and was pleasantly surprised by both build and sound quality. I cant say that I have heard the recent Rotels or NADs, but I'm very happy with the Cambridge.
While looking for a gear I was considering NAD. Several retailers told me that they had some issues with NAD CD players but amplifiers were fine.
I didn't end up buying one so I can't comment on it from my personal experience.
Refurbished could mean many things. It applies to all manufacturers, not just NAD. It could be overstock, demo, or even defective equipment that has been returned and repaired. The defect could be electronic, or it may only have been cosmetic, a new faceplate for example. If it has been manufacturer repaired, then it has been repaired to new condition, and it's at a discount price. I think it's a great deal, although I would want a warranty to back that up.

If you look inside a NAD and compare it with its competitors, Rotel for example, it does look a little cheaply made. However, there are many happy NAD owners who have had years of enjoyment from their equipment. If you're concerned, just buy warrantied products from reputable dealers.