I need help choosing my next tube preamp.

Although I really enjoyed usnig my ARC LS-15 preamp since I bought it brand new several years ago, I'm looking to upgrade it.

I'd like to stay with tube preamps only.

I like experimenting with different tubes, so the new preamp should probably not be based on the new 6H30 supertube.

Qualities I'm looking for in my next preamp - it should have a pretty laid back(more so than the LS-15) but dynamic character, with plenty of detail, but not be hyper detailed, should have good definition in the bass region(deep, tight bass, not bloaty), full sounding mids and produce a wide and deep soundstage.
Also, it should have a high resolution volume control with plenty of steps to provide ability to fine tune volume for late night low-level listening.

Primary source in my system is digital. No analog as of yet.

The candidate preamps are:
ARC LS-25 MkI,
BAT VK-31,
Sonic Frontiers Line-3
Aesthetix Calypso

I'm pretty much open to other tube preamp suggestions, as long as it is from a well known manufacturer and is not known to have reliability issues.

I listen to different types of music. Classical, traditional and modern jazz, blues and rock.

Really looking for your expert opinion. And if someone who has any experience with the mentioned preamps can share their thoughts, it would be great!

Thanks a lot!!!!
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I have owned over 20

1) Dodd audio reference linestage
2) Dodd audio battery powere

Glad VAC is at least on your list - tell Kevin "Harve says hi" if you talk to him. In answer to your questions - I tried both SE and balanced from my APL-modded Denon 3910 to the Preamp. SE sounded better in my system, which is not surprising since the APL was designed to sound the best single-ended (Alex Peychev, the designer, is not a big believer in balanced ICs from the source).

I also tried SE and balanced from the VAC to DNA-500, but there was a complication since there is a "Steridian"(a/k/a proprietary equalizer-type box) between the preamp and amp for my Whisper speakers (which really does work, most of the time.....)Anyway, what I discovered was that the Steridian processed a SE signal more cleanly and with more energy than it did a Balanced signal, in my system. I know that may not make much sense, because it didn't to me either, but it is/was a peculiarity of the Steridian design (among several others, which is off topic). Legacy has since replaced this problematically-engineered box with another much more expensive(Thousands $$) equalizer that supposedly doesn't have such problems.

Since SE worked the best in my system, as discussed above, those are the cables I invested in. I got a SE Virtual Dynamics Revelation Signature IC for the Denon-VAC conncetion and a combination of VD Revelation and Nirvana S-X Ltd, both SE, between the VAC Phi-Steridian-DNA-500. I tried easily 20 different IC combinations, mostly from John at the Cable Company, before arriving at my current set-up. Yes, cables DO INDEED make a difference in a resolving system!

I added bi-wired Revelation speaker cables and am now as close to my "that's it - I'm done" as I am going to get for the foreseeable future. As I said, the sound is just incredible, both to my ears and others who have listened. I am now simply, finally, ENJOYING THE MUSIC!!!

Hope this helps..........
Fplanner2000, thanks a lot for the info. VD cables are very good. I had their Master digital interconnect when I had a dac.
My interconnects are AZ Silver RefII from cd to pre and Matrix RefII from pre to amp.
I'll be definitely calling VAC today. I wanted to find out who the VAC dealers are in NYC and is the optional XLR input on the Standard LE preamp truely balanced.
I'll try to find a dealer who would cary several brands of tube preamps so I can compare and possibly bring mine to compare as well, if they won't be willing to provide a unit for home auditioning.
How did you find the volume control on the VAC? Is it a smooth rotation type or it has steps?
Audphile - the VAC preamps are not dual differential fully balanced pre-amps. The only pre-s with tubes that are ( to my knowledge) are the BAT pre-amps. However - that certainly should not give you pause for concern. I use my VAC Renaissance pre with BAT s/s monoblocks using 3.5M XLR connections and it is dead quiet. I also use the RCA outs for my subwoofers at the same time, so both sets of outputs are active. I am not sure who handles VAC in NY, but Kevin @VAC can let you know. Good Luck - I know that you will enjoy the listening experience!