Where to see Audio in Manhattan

I am going to the big apple this weekend. I am wondering which audio stores that I should try to see. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Bob
Innovative Audio, Lyric, Singer, Park Avenue Audio, In Living.

CSA in Upper Montclair, NJ, which is quite close to NYC, is very good.
Hey Y'all,

Having been born and raised in NYC, I whole heartedly agree with Kal. I have not been in an audio shop in five years. Part of it is Audiogon, why bother with paying retail or only getting 10% to 15% off. The other part is the general treatment I would get at any shop I went to. I can't remember not having a bad time in any of the above named shops and, believe me, I've been to all of them, including Toys in the Attic, in White Plains, and The Listening Room, in Scarsdale, which has since closed. If you have to go, just be ready for what is likely to happen.......John
Thanks everyone for the names and experiences. If I venture into these stores, I will be forewarned to potential neglect. Bob
Don't go to Singer unless the owner is there in the front.You'll be brushed off.
I went to NYC about a month and a half ago and went into a few stores. I was not impressed with Stereo Exchange (I'm 95% sure I have that remembered correctly- lots of B&W and McIntosh). Nobody acknowledged me during the 10 minutes that I was in there. Not a receptionist. Not a salesperson. Nobody. Also, I went to In Living Stereo. I had been in there previously with great luck. But, this past visit to them was mediocre. As soon as I told him that I was from out of town, his attitude changed towards me. His eyes were on me like a hawk. I don't mind that he wanted to watch an out-of-towner while looking at expensive stuff, but he could have at least spoken to me and made me feel welcome. They have some really neat stuff that I hadn't seen elsewhere, so it may still be worth a brief visit. I also went to Sound By Singer. This visit went well. I don't think they like people just looking and one may get brushed off (it happened to me on another trip there)if that's what they say they're doing. Your luck may vary. Have fun!!!