Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe

Knowing that both products represent a great value in their class I´m highly interested in their particular differences as I´m not able to audition them together.
Thanks for your input.
Ejlif is correct concerning the issue with Calypso and Ayre amps. However, Charles Hansen recently posted a reply (Do a discussion search on Aesthetix) addressing this issue and which models are impacted. He also discusses how to repair if your amp is an older model.
It would definitely have to be a newer Ayre as Charles Hansen stated in your previous thread. Otherwise there is a problem as I noted in that same previous thread. It will hum with the V5xe unless it has been upgraded to work in which case it does make a beautiful pair sonically. Been there and heard it!
Ejlif/ Bigtee: I posted the question on audio asylum you´re referring to. Charles said, that with a reconfiguration of the grounding scheme the hum problem will be solved - don´t know if this will affect the sonics of the V-5xe - which I like a lot.
I feel the Calypso to be a very appealing product as is the CAT SL-1 and the BAT VK-31 SE too.
Bigtee: where did you noticed the most obvious shortcomings of the K-5xe compared to the Calypso?
The K5xe is a good size step down in transparency, detail and overall resolution. The Calypso also sounds a little fuller and warmer in the best sense of the word.
I guess the bottom line is, it just isn't as musical.
When you take the Calypso out of the system, you miss it. Remove the Ayre and you say it was pretty good but it can be replaced. I think I can do better.
For solid state, the K5xe isn't bad at all. However, as I previously said, to compare the Calypso, you would have to move up to the K1xe which is much better than the K5xe.
It's really not fair to compare the K5.
Bigtee. Thanks. My local dealer said, the Calypso would perform even better when they would exchange the cheap Crystal attentuator with a realy good one. I thinks realy complex attentuators are used in Cello, Ayre, Ayon and Convergent gear - thats why the sound so good.