what is the REAL deal with DK

I know there has been a lot on this manufacturer, but I just discovered them myself(today). I have never read so many positives while at the same time read so many negatives on any on amp(or any product for that matter). At the same time they are getting huge pats on the back from two different magazines? Could some owners of the Dk vs1 mk 2 offer there opinions that still own them, I maybe looking for an intergrated hybrid that has some power and this is the only one that seems to fit the bill in my price range. So...why the extreme positive and negative?!
charlie101, what's your problem? By the way have you ever heard a DK amp yourself?
In my opinion,I enjoy the input of the manufacturers on the forums.If they get some free advertising,good for them.
So Mr Wolff,Mr Staples,Mr Palkovic...etc ,you are most welcome....
Just what is it about this product that causes EVERY thread about it to devolve to name calling? Seriously- I'm mystified.
Yes I've heard 2 different amps. Ordinary stuff-nothing more. I don't get your excitement unless you're new at this. If that's the case, with a little more experience you'll realize there's life beyond DK.
when you say experience, do you mean posting nonstop negative comments? Or, do you mean experience as in listening to music? And where do you get this so called excitement from my comments? Look at my original post. So when you speak of experience I guess you MUST mean listening to music, I have plenty, I play three different instruments...my ear is very good.When anybody has said ANYTHING good about the amp you have promptly chimed in with something negative to say, whats your motivation? I started this thread because it seemed like a good deal on an interesting amp that had some strange feedback, still...strange feedback? I have been into audio since 1987 installing custom home audio that would sometimes get over a hundred grand back then....maybe a little experience, Charles.