VTL IT-85 or Mcintosh MA6500

Hello, anyone out there ever owned these two integrated amps........ I have the VTL at the moment and it sounds nice. I've had Mcintosh gear in the past and liked it too. Haven't demoed the MA6500 yet, will A/B them soon. Just want some opinions on the two pieces of gear, wondering if one really outshines the other. At the moment I have Thiel 1.5s for my speakers. Thanks for looking.
Les here,Thanks for the response... Sometimes I wonder if I should start going back to seperates, just go ahead and sink the money into some reference gear and stop going sideways and start really upgrading. I think I'm addicted to hearing new gear every so often even if it's not a major upgrade.
I think I'm addicted to hearing new gear every so often even if it's not a major upgrade.
The first step to recovery is admitting it. :)
Befor I found this website I had an ARC SP-6b and an Acurus power amp for 5 yrs with no complaints or obsessive thoughts........ but it is a fun hobby, something to do. but then again ignorance is bliss.
So I went and A/B'd the two amps and the Mcintosh sounded a little punchier and had a nicer midrange to it and a slightly bigger soundstage.......... the extra wattage in the Mcintosh helped I guess............ but don't get wrong the Vtl has a nice sound too, a rawness from the tubes that I like.......... Any way that's my opinion from the direct A/B listening. I wish I could have them both in my home for a couple of days. So now I guess I'm gonna sell my VTL.
Les - I totally agree with your observations. Glad you found an integrated you really like. Enjoy the McIntosh.