Used Preamp for $2000 to $3000

I am looking for used 2 channel preamp for my stereo system. I am using Pass X600 mono block, Speaker is Von Schweikert VR4 SR for the front, Sony SCD-1 for CD player. Please helps me to find used preamp for $2000 to $3000. Any input is welcome. Thanks a lot and have a nice day.
I have owned a couple of pre-amps in this range. Not nearly as many as some people on AudiogoN, but the one that has impressed me the most is the Klyne LX 7.5b. FWIW HiFi+ listed it as one of their products of the year two or three years ago.

I had a Krell pre-amp before the Klyne, and I found the Klyne to be far more musical. It did not have the level of detail the Krell had, but I'm not sure I hear that level of detail in live music.

There are lots of products out there, maybe a little more info about your preferences would be helpful too.
What pre-amp are you running now? Anything in particular you are looking for sonically or feature wise?

BAT gear seems to work rather well with Pass amps. My system is a baby version of yours (X150, VR2s) and have recently replaced a Pass X2 pre with a BAT VK3ix pre-amp with excellent results.
I am using Adcom GFP 750 for right now and want to upgrade it.
I like the Adcom, but sometime I feel like missing of something. Well I can't complain for the money I paid for it. Thanks for looking.