Squeezebox Touch not diplaying some music files

I am hoping someone can help me with this dilemma. I have been using a Squeezebox Touch to wirelessly stream music from my itunes library (via Logitech Media Server), with excellent results. I have had no problems with my entire music library showing up on the Squeezebox touch. All my music has been converted to high quality AIFF files. Somewhere with the last 1-2 updates on the Squeezebox Touch and itunes, I have lost about 5% of the songs on my library. That means that those songs do not show up on the Squeezebox Touch but I can find them if I use the Search function. This is a major annoyance as I have to try & remember which songs I am missing. None of the songs have any restriction such as DRM.
Could any of the experts in Computer audio shed some light on what might be going on and what can be done to fix this problem? I would be very grateful.
Thank you!
Tags are labels you assign to music files to make them easier to work with. Things like genera, title, artist and year... etc, are some examples of popular tags. It sounds simple, but you need to be careful. Its easy to confuse tags with the info you see in your file manager. When you are looking at tags, its usually called library view. When you are looking at music files in your file manager, its not the same thing. For example, if you are in iTunes listening to music by The Rolling Stones, the tag for the artist is The Rolling Stones. Now, if you leave iTunes and access the music files directly, the artist could be Rolling Stones instead of The Rolling Stones, like you see in iTunes. Tags and file info have nothing to do with each other. They can be different. I bring this up because it can drive you crazy if you don't understand what's going on. Someone will change or edit tags in a program like iTunes but when they look in their file manager, nothing has changed, and they think something is wrong.

In your case, I think its very likely, iTunes changed some tagging info, file info or both. Using The rolling Stones as an example again, in iTunes, you may have tagged "The Rolling Stones". If iTunes re tagged some of your music using the name Rolling Stones instead, its now a different band in iTunes. And that's how you loose your music. In this example, you would fix things by changing the tag Rolling Stones to The Rolling stones. Once the tags are labeled properly, your music should show up.

If you need good tagging software, download a free music player called Quod Libet. Since you didn't say what OS you have I chose Quod Libet because it works on Mac, PC and Linux.
Hi Zd542,

Your detailed reply is much appreciated! I will start working on this.
Many thanks!
Have you re-scanned your library in Logitech Media Server? You might want to delete the old scan file and start from scratch. Also, make sure iTunes music files are all in one directory.

Might also want to check the setting for how albums are sorted/scanned.
Have you tried rescanning your music in Logitech Media Server Control Panel? You can look for new music or rescan the entire library.

If that doesn't work, try adding the library to iTunes so it will rebuild tagging info. Usually I delete everything in iTunes folder before adding the library.
"If that doesn't work, try adding the library to iTunes so it will rebuild tagging info. Usually I delete everything in iTunes folder before adding the library."

That's exactly the problem I had with iTunes. It takes matters into its own hands, and starts retagging everything. I don't see why you would want it to do something like that.