Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
Soon I will give presentatiosn and I will film them professional on full HD. I will do them in english as well. I will tell also a lot about cables and what people can aspect what it does in your system.
I agree with waxwaves! ,,Cables are magic!, and I agree with Bo1972,cables make a system come to life! @ joeylawn36111,, Hi, there is no way I will spend very little on cables!, cables to me are the most important part of a system!,,, cables can either make your system or break your system! Happy listening!
@ jmcgrogan2 ,LOL!, popcorn eanybody? let the cable wars resume!,, jmcgrogan2, do not let this thread die!, we have to have it!, LOL!
04-10-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, do not let this thread die!, we have to have it!, LOL!

Why? Because human nature loves to watch a train wreck? The wreck happened a couple of months ago, all of the non-believers (Rok2id & Irvrobinson) have left the thread. What else is left to discuss? Just a bunch of guys standing around saying "I like cables"? LOL!

Eventually ALL threads follow nature's course and go to their natural demise, just like humans and horses. :)
@ jmcgrogan2,, You just made me laugh out of my chair!,, the context that your response was hilarious!,, all of sit around eanyway talking on these threads, whats the differance?,, you know I like the entertainment of this thread, no harm done, I like to laugh! cheers!