Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
Jmcgrogan2, I agree but suspect that the middle-class will throw the Teas out and we will see what FDR did to stop the concentration in the 1% before, namely strengthen unions. Organization is the only way to beat organization. Of course, most union members are not the middle-class, but they do put the heat on management and maybe this time we will have middle-class unions of teachers, professors, and maybe doctors.
I was under the impression The Amazing Randi already put this whole thing to bed, demonstrating with his Million Dollar Challege that hearing abilities are just so much paranormal ability.
Tbg, I don't see that happening at all. Most expect the Republicans to take over the Senate when the midterms are run this year as well as hold onto the House. That's two more years of stalemate. No changes in sight, the pendulum will continue to swing in the same direction for the foreseeable future. Someday things will change and start the pendulum to swing back again, but not anytime soon.
Jmcgrogan2, I think it is the Teas that think they will win the Senate as they thought they would do in 2012, but lost six seats. Right now they are losing all four of the seats they thought were theirs to take.
As others have said, most reviewers don't seem keen on cable reviews. They seem far more subjective and system dependent than other components. Having said that, there do seem a few reviewers who seem to be trying to look at the subject systematically. I am thinking here, of positive feedback. There is a chap there, Levi is it? Who seems to try to grade cables he has used in his system and that I find, is useful.

Do really costly cables make a real difference? Absolutely, at least in my view. I still remember the manufacturer of Zensati cables, doing a demo in a UK show, which I found astonishing and confirmed at subsequent shows. Can I afford them? no. I do keep a look out for the entry level cables, that may come up, second hand. I could just about swing them