VPI Classic 3 anyone try a Denon 103R

I have to admit, all the cartridges and turntables that I have been thru over the years, I really found that I really enjoyed the Denon 103R as much as any..AND I have had quite a few!

I just bought a new Classic 3 in Rosewood...I just wondering if anyone has tried it on a Classic 3.. Is it a match with this arm? Compliance issues? Other?

How bout phono stage recomendations?



"Likes: EASE in presentation, Weight in bottom, texture, bloom, midrange rich, not syrup but rich...

Dislikes: Hyper detail, cold, super fast, brittle, cold , sterile, any kind of glare, tizzy."

You know what you like.
If the arm is too light for a stock 103R, Soundsmith sells weighted cart mounting screws and/or you could use a weighted spacer. You might have to increase the weight of the counterweight, but if it has to be positioned further from the pivot, that will also add to the eff mass.

I'm not sure of the 10Hz cu of the 103, but you might not have a problem anyway. If the cu is 10 and the arm is 10g (?), the resonant frequency should be < 12Hz.
If you're still looking at phono stages, IMO, it's difficult to do better than a Herron VTPH-2. Nothing even close for the money. And the VTPH-2 has more flexibility that an Olympic gymnastic team.
What are these, the latest "buzz words"?
How many threads are we going to post on these products already.
Plus if you can buy a Classic 3 you should know better then to ask this by now.
How rude.

There are aspects of this that are beyond my realm of experience with these specific products. That's why I didn't elaborate. I'm told that the 103 family (w/5 cu @ 100Hz) sounds best on arms of around 20 to 25g eff mass, but the question arises about the unipivot. I would guess that conventional gimbaled bearings are preferred, but that's a guess.

Usually, much higher cu carts are recommended for the Classic arm(s). Maybe the Classic 3 arm is heavier with stainless arm tube?

Your question seems appropriate to me. If someone had experience with this specific combination it could be enlightening. I see no search function on this forum and a quick Google search didn't turn up any relevant answers.
Good luck.