Best cartridge to reduce hum under $400 USD

I am currently running a Grado platinum reference on a stock Thorens TD150 mkII and Grado phono preamp. I like the the music it produces, but on my new Arcam - Monitor Audio - B&W based system I am noticing the hum a lot more. The hum increases as the cartridges swings towards the center of the platter, so I am assuming the unshielded cartridge is to blame.

With the b&w sub I am also now noticing more rumble, which may also indicate the cartridge is the wrong compliance? If I recall correctly, the tone arm is medium weight, something like 13 grams.

The phono stage has high and low level settings, but not sure it can effectively handle low very output MC.

Any suggestions?

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That seems like a cheap solution, will try shielding and grounding motor. Even 50% reduction in noise would be a big deal. Thanks.

Yogiboy, assuming more weight is what's needed, your thoughts on adding weight to tone arm without changing character of the sound? I have fooled around with adding blutack to various places on a tone arm on adifferent table to reduce errant vibration and all that did was take the life out of the signal. Advantage was it sticks on its own! I suppose I would want to add weight roughly equally to both cartridge and counterweight ends? What are you suggesting I use, coins OK?

I was actually thinking that I needed a medium compliance cartridge for this medium weight arm - so adding weight for Grado seems counter to that? I think the arm weighs more like 15 grams fwiw. Again, your thoughts appreciated. I guess it doesn't hurt to try adding weight.
If you go on Ebay check out head shell weights. Technics has 3 gram weights for a couple of bucks. I would give that a try. The Sonata is a light cartridge (6 grams)so I use a weight on my SME 309. You will change the VTA when you do this so make sure that the arm you have can be adjusted for VTA.
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