How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration

I have a marbles slab that is approx. 42" X 16X 2". A left over insert from a coffee table. I would like to lay it on top of a plant stand table that is 50" X 18X 30" The slab weigh about 70 lbs. II think I have enough space laterally to position a Rega turntable, a Bel Canto line stage, and Rega Apollo CD player and a pair of Red Dragon monoblocks, that could easily be stack vertically if necessary.(Also could place them on the bottom shelf which has a slight V-shaped dip ...probably a run off channel. This would save me three feet of speaker cable on both channels is placed near the bottom)

The plant stand is made of wood and has fairly massive "L-shaped" legs. The table weight is about 40 pounds.

My thinking is that a marble slab should provide excellent isolation from vibration. The only drawback is the left side of table will only be a foot from the right speaker. So I would start the progression of components from right to left to increase the distance to the speaker in question. Would like opinions from members about the pros/cons of this set-up. Thanks, Jim
Just bought a 2" thick maple wood butcher block for my VPI Classic. Also bought 5 rubberized cork feet. I plan to set the butcher block on the cork feet. I'll report back when all the stuff is delivered.

Hopefully I'll able to kill the bass rumble picked up by the IKEA cheapo table on which I set up the Classic. The IKEA table acts like a sound trap that catches and transmits the bass rumble straight to the Classic and then the cartridge which in turn creates a bass resonance.

Total cost: $160.
I built a mag lev system using neodymium magnets about 20 years ago. Since the opposing magnets have a strong proclivity to slide horizontally, it is an engineering challenge to prevent a path that vibration can travel up through from developing. Nevertheless...

Apologies for the use of three consecutive adverbs.
Hevac1 wrote,

I agree but with having limited space of a 1/2" spring isolation is either very expensive or not possible. There is also the WAF factor as make springs look nice without restriction of the spring is a hole different ball game."

I assume that space restriction doesn't apply to the component on top of the rack. I'm not very high on racks, have you considered mounting the components directly on the floor. I can appreciate WAF can sometimes override sonic considerations.
I've seen neo ring mags beveled on the inside with ball mags to match upper and lower
The more I look at it, the more those three consecutive adverbs seem appropriate. :-)

Does anyone know if maple is that much harder than bamboo? I've sourced some relatively inexpensive John Boos maple butcher block cutting boards which happen to be the exact size I need (12"X 18").

All the best,