Best digital converter $5k under

I have gone on a hunt listening to different setups and by far
The most balanced and , Hi tech,parts build is the Auralic Vega dac
It does everything including DSD,since i had the Bryston dac-1 i listened
To the new dac -2 my friends own both dacs Including the Berkeleydac-2
This dac was developed from several Swiss firms and Taiwan,Hong kong.
The clock is the lowest jitter I have ever seen listed under$10k
It is as good or better sounding then anything Under $8k IMO. It has a very natural warm balance, superb imaging and micro dynamics and excellent sound staging.even my vinyl friends were very impressed and for under $3500 it is a no friend bought it after seeing a review in Computer Audiophile. I am for sure buying one this your homework
And build quality is as good or better then Anything out there even in the $10k range,that is saying a lot !!
To Chyro, I don't know Audioman, but in my shop I have some of the finest pieces of digtial in the world including, Chord, EMM Labs, Esoteric, Meiner, AMR, Naim, and many others.

I have also been doing this for over 25 years, I have never head a piece of digital this good at this price, with this level of technology before.

The Mytek is a nice dac for its price point but it is no where as advanced as the Vega, but for the price the Mytek is good, I personally find the Chord and the M2 products superb at those price points.
Do yourself a favor and listen to a Lampizator gen 4 level 4
You might be able to find a used one for under 5

Have you ever compared Auralic Vega to Resonessence Labs Invicta Mirus. Both have similar technolgies, both I believe, are based on ESS Sabre DAC, both have identical specs for jitter (153 fermoseconds) so its not the accident. Both use switching power supplies... Price defference is relatively small.

Have you compare Vega to MSB Analog DAC - currenty, one of my favorite for its price?

Thanks in advance


The Ayre QB-9 DSD should be on your shortlist. It's an amazingly musical unit - I'm surprised the audio media haven't yet touted its performance.