Has Anyone Found Shunyata Cables Sounding Thin?

I have noticed this with the introduction of some of Shunyata's latest offerings into my system. They are great cables but they need help in my system. I run cables in series to solve the problem and the results are stunning -- while going against audio principles and accepted audio "wisdom".

If you like cello you may also like Starker, du Pre and Fournier.
Q: "Psag when choosing equipment for your system how do you judge its worthiness for your home listening pleasure?"

A: I listen to it.
Thanks Psag,
My only point is that there's no avoiding the listening process when judging satisfaction with a component or complete system.

You're welcome. There are 3 connection levels with Paul Speltz auto-transformers. Paul has detailed information on his site. If you have any questions about how to use the auto-transformers with your own speakers I am sure Paul Speltz and Ralph Karsten will be glad to respond to your messages.