Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

You know I absolutely love the D'Agostino amps, and my friend who owns the D'Agostino amps/preamp just bought a pair of D3's! So, I will get to hear that combo too.
Here is what a friend of mine recently told me -

"I have the Dagostino amp and preamp but in a week or two will be trading them in. The gear sounds great but the preamp is driving me crazy. No zero point on the tone control. Flashing LEDs on mute that's annoying. No dimming on the front lights and general quirkiness." He always preferred his Dart amps anyway.

I'm also interested in the Viola Acoustics amps. The monos were favorably reviewed in the latest Tone Magazine
If you knew what I know about that publication, you wouldn't take any of their reviews seriously.

There is an old saying "the blind cannot lead the blind"...
Your friend, is my friend....and he swaps gear as much as I do. He loves the amp, but not the preamp. I've never said I wanted the preamp, but the amps are exceptional. Tell Joe I said hello.

As for blind, I'm far from blind. I am doing my own listening, making a list, and checking it twice. :)

I would like to hear the Viola amps and draw my own conclusions - as I do with the Burmester, Accuphase and several others on my list.
Mike, I think you may have missed my point about overall synergy. No point to have a great amp, then mix and match preamps. I don't think that's a good idea. You know my views on this :)

Blind need to read between the lines here.

Gear swapping like changing socks is not my thing. I'm building a simple, but awesome high end a/v system to get off the merry go round and focus instead on enjoying my music and dvd's. I guess whatever floats your boat.
08-31-13: Melbguy1 writes:

If you knew what I know about that publication, you wouldn't take any of their reviews seriously.

Can you explain more?

Can you explain more?

Metralla (System | Answers | This Thread)
Not without having a team of lawyers filing a defamation suit.