need comments on my system

-1 pair of Martin Logan CLS panels and Velodyne DD15 subwoofer - both connected directly from preamp
-Counterpoint SA5000 preamp
-Counterpoint SA220 power amp(220WPC)and NPS400 amp(which is quieter but less dynamic)
-Counterpoint DA10/DA11 DAC and transport
-Harmonic Tech, AudioQuest intercables
-AudioQuest spkr cables

What area can I improve? Any comments are welcome
You might consider some room treatments. Room Lenses could make a big differnce along with damping the reflection points if you haven't done this yet. I also like to LRNRD bass traps by Auralex. They will easily improve the quality of your bass and dynamics.

Don't take this wrong, but you've started with what are considered to be possibly the best ML speakers ever made and pushed them with less than very best stuff. In another life I sold Counterpoint. Maybe they have changed, but really the sound was too bright for ML. VTL will bring these around much better. You will need lots of power.

Cannot comment on the transport/DAC. Harmonic Tech is decent, Audioquest overrated. Audioquest speaker cables at lower end are decent, but very overpriced toward top end.

May I suggest LAT International speaker wire (trashed by Oval 9s) and LAT power cords. I've a friend running the CLSs with this combination and it took the glare off of the Logans instantly.

Straight Wire and LAT do nice cable and I'm really tempted to get the new Signal Cable silver. Real potential here. Hope this helps.
Counterpoint too bright? I have a pair of SA220s upgraded to NP220s that are anything but bright. The best amps i've had in my system and i've had more than my share. Maybe upgrading the NP220s will help? Or try rolling tubes.