Speakers for loud listening. really loud...

Hi, I own a nice little McIntosh/Totem system and I absolutely love the sound for most music, especially piano and cello stuff.

As much as I love classical music, I also listen to some heavy rock/metal music. My McIntosh MC7300 amp can output plenty of power, but according to Totem's website, my Totem Hawk loudspeakers can only handle about 120W of power. These speakers are beautiful both aesthetically and sonically, but they have pretty low sensitivity (86dB).

Whenever I want to listen to heavy music such as Tool, Incubus, Metalica, etc, I keep on reminding myself to watch the power amp's watt meter to make sure it doesn't go over 150W, although I sometimes let it go over 200W for a short time. Even at that level, the sound isn't satisfyingly loud enough for me.

I love the Totem sound, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good rock/metal speakers. The price range should be below $2500 used and I'd like them to have a good power handling. Oh and the speakers don't necessarily need to be produced by Totem. One last thing, my listening room's pretty small, if not tiny (10 x 13ish).

Cabasse spks are generally highly efficient, >92db/w and can handle huge amounts of power. I mean really huge, most of them can handle >500w.

Tonally they are accurate, like the Totems, but I think they are faster.
I think you'll have trouble with many speakers in a 10x13 room - something big enough to get loud for Tool might be very difficult to place practically in a room that size. My suggestion may be difficult as well - a pair of used NHT 2.9's. They can be had for around $12-1300, you place them right against the wall, and they'll take any amount of power you could reasonably throw at them. Great low end for that style of music as well - I owned a pair for about three years and love letting it rip with those same bands. -Kirk
Search for McIntosh and you'll invariably find recommendations for Tannoy and B&W loudspeakers. You'll also find some recs for Klipsch horn and Thiel too. You also see some low-end recs for Paradigm.
Don't know about that PMC. That might work too. Happy hunting.
Slightly out of your price range but the used Talon Khorus or Ravens handle 1000 watts and really can play loud, do rock and roll like no other speaker I have heard and stay clear as a bell at loud volumes.

Happy Listening.
I used to own a pair of Polk SDA SRS's manufacutured in 1987. At the time, I powered them with a pair of Acurus A150's. Pre was also Acurus. Those things seemed to play loud, louder, stupid loud, and beyond with no effort at all and absolutely no distortion. Some folks think there a bit on the large side standing five foot three and 21-22 inches wide and 14 inches deep and weighing in at like 195lb. I often wish I still had them.