Combak - Bravo

Heard these yesterday, was floored. Any one else have experience with this beautiful little speaker?
They don't sound alike at all. I have heard both extensivley in the past. Seems like somebody has an axe to grind. They share the same driver and nothing more... sorry that's the way it is. It seems somebody may be trying to justify their purchase of the Gradient maybe?
Since when does the cabinet... forget about the crossover for now... not make a HUGE difference in sound?
May Audio should know the difference since they are the distibutor... no? Oh maybe jrd351 is the real expert here. Give it up already.
i own the revolutions and think quite highly of both the prelude and the bravo...what gets me crazy is the difference in price....the cabinet is nicer, but certainly not $2000 nicer.
And is the new cabinet design, crossovers, and tuning indeed worth the $2000 difference?