Totem hawk or Gershman Chameleon?

Hello! I am in process of starting a totally new system.I have heard the Totem Hawk and was very pleased with the sound but thought the sweet spot was a little small.Has anyone heard the Cameleon?This is the price range I'm in.My room is 16'L 10'W 10'H.I listen to Jazz and Classical.I really appreciate any advice!Cheer's,John
Totems and Gershwins are indeed having a totally different approach to build the sound and in vast majority of cases if you like one you won't like the other. Just my $.02
Thank's for the responce! Different sound in what way,imaging,transparincy,soundstage? Cheer's
My first impression on Gershman speakers was with their flagship Opera-Sulvage on CES.
I stepped onto this room just after Totem room and was quite shure of my undisputable likes towards Totems. This huge speaker system couldn't give any bigger and more defined sound than these little Totem Hawks. I realy don't know what other folks find in Gershmans...