will monitors work in a large room?

Hey now...
i've got a 17'w x 24'deep living room and i'm in the market for new speakers.
I'm pretty much sold on the VR2's, but wondering if the VR1's w/a sub would "fill" the room sufficiantly? I have read that they throw a big soundstage. coming from Martin Logans...I think I'll like that.

still sold on the VR2's though....unless I recieve compelling reasons why I shouldn't go there.
I'd love to spend less, of course.
Phasecorrect, would the Europas benefit by addition of a sub-woofer in this size room, and is there a consensus regarding choice of such a sub-woofer?
Nick, I would be very interested in your thoughts on the Vr2's - did you listen to other speakers?
Email me or please post here.
listener...most speakers would benefit from a sub...even full range ones...albeit a musical sub set up properly...no sub also beats a cheap sub in my opinion...
I have just traded a pair of Europas with the intent
to buy some C-3's.
But I have a pair of VR 2's coming tomorrow or Tuesday
so I will have a direct comparison between the two.
I love the Europas and may buy another pair.
And the Europas were plenty for my 20x20x12 room.

But we will see what the VR 2's can do.
I am using GMA Europas in a space 35'x75', firing crosswise. They're supplimented with a single, active Tyler 12" subwoofer. Without resorting to too many adjectives, I can say that the Europas are the finest speaker I have personally experienced. The accolades they have received here and in other forums are deserved. My recent past includes Vandersteen 2ce and Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors.

Although the soundstage is wide and deep in the traditional listening position, the qualities inherent in the time-aligned, phase-coherent design of the Europas are present regardless of where I am in the space. They are truly impressive at ALL sound levels.

I was so intrigued by these speakers that I sold my previous system and built my present system entirely around them. Associated gear: Edge M8, Edge T3, NAD541i, Ack!Dack, Discovery IC's and cables. A minimalist system that continues to amaze and improve.

Contact me directly for adjectives.