Subwoofer Question: Active or Passive?

Looking for most musical sub to fill the lower end of my Totem Arros. My budget is $500 at most new or used and my stereo amp does not have sub out. I need quick fast tight bass and read, most likely 10" with good amp should suffice. Should I buy a active sub or a good amp and passive box seperately from Audiogon or Ebay. Please give some brand recommendations
You should get an active sub. It will take some of the strain off of your main amp. If you have a preamp, you can use "Y" cables. There is no such thing as fast bass by the way. I know this will cause a lot of arguments. But consider, all things that produce bass are larger and slower. If you cross the sub over at a lower frequency, it will blend much better.
The HSU research subs are very nice for the money. Very musical and fast, for a sub.
If this is for music the Vandersteen 2W is a no brainer used for 500.00-600.00.Vandersteen includes a passive xover that filters out bass from your main amp.This piece is adjustable and once you dial it in you can get the fixed value xover from vandersteen which will go in a tape loop or inbetween preamp and main amp.A cool feature is that the sub gets its signal from the main amps output,it kind of samples the signal and retains the main amp sound.The 2W has three eight inch drivers that give you that light kinda bass I have never heard from a larger driver.It is a perfect match for the spica TC-50's.