Best music server for the money

Looking to add a music server to my system. Current equipment is a Theta pre-amp and 5 channel amp Wilson Duettes and a JL Audio f113 sub. I love the ease and convenience of the Sooloos but not sure about the hardware or sound quality for the money. I really do not want to use a computer but would prefer to load rip and go.
Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks guys
Best value for what is needed is any decent PC with adequate USB disk storage for main and backup copies accessed via a network connection.

The server only serves data the same as any client/server computer application. No music is made on or by the server.

The client player device/streamer and its associated DAC and connection is where the music is made and difference in sound quality will occur, so this the place to focus on for good sound quality, assuming the rest of the audio component chain downstream is up to par already.
Mapman- You are correct, IF the user is well versed in setting up/running/maintaining a home network, getting the right software and integrating it correctly. That's a big IF for many of us. Add a wireless router into the mix and the IF gets even bigger.

If you're not real computer savvy, then a dedicated server may not be a bad idea. In that case, customer support is very important. Neal Van Berg, who builds and sells Music Vaults, is very good in that regard. The MVII is a pretty good unit, w built in auto back-up and wireless which some of the competition does not have.
Agree, the extent one can DIY with a computer is a big factor. If not, buy something with everything needed installed and integrated up front that also offers good customer support. It will likely cost a bit more but be worth it. There is nothing audiophile about a server though, its straight up computer nuts and bolts, so be careful about falling into the traditional audiophile mindset of more expensive means better sound quality, like often may be the case with actual sound making devices like turntables and even CD players or DACs. If done right, a server for music alone need not cost much in any case.
There is nothing audiophile about a server though, its straight up computer nuts and bolts, so be careful about falling into the traditional audiophile mindset of more expensive means better sound quality, like often may be the case with actual sound making devices like turntables and even CD players or DACs.
True, that.
IMHO a proper music server isn't just a straight up computer.

Care has to be taken when choosing the components. I've found a big improvement going from a regular PC to one where I have removed moving parts (fans and HDDs).

And switching to a linear PSU vs a regular switch mode PSU also offers a huge performance improvement.

It is true that you can build such a machine on your own (look at the nofan and streacom range) but they are not for those familiar with DIY.