Something wrong with the Studio 100 v.2?

Through many listening secessions over the last 5 months, I've tried very hard to love the Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v.2. But the sound I heard did not align with much of the articulate and glowing praise found here on Audiogon. Nonetheless, I was determined to buy a used pair here on Audiogon, but couldn't find a realistic deal (shipping is usually a killer). You may be wondering why would I buy 100’s if the sound were unsatisfactory? Simply, I'm unwilling to spend the money required to buy a full-range speaker like the Natilus 804 or Proac 2.5, both of which I've listened to extensively and like very much. Also, I have a 6-month-old daughter and don't want to be paranoid about her banging into $3500-$4500 speakers when she begins to walk about.

So I went back to the dealer yesterday determined to buy a new pair of 100 v.2. But after listening to a variety of material for about an hour, I was again disappointed. What I heard was booming, bloated, poorly controlled bass and a compressed sound stage (front-to-back). And after about 45 minutes, serious listener fatigue crept in as well!

Here's my question: Is something wrong with my dealer's setup? If not, am I being totally unrealistic in my expectations of the 100's? What am I missing here? Are my ears broken? Help!

Here's the dealer's current setup: Denon DVD-3800 (also used Sony 9000ES), Anthem AVM 20 v2.08, Anthem MCA 50, Audioquest Coral or Anaconda (couldn't quite see), unknown speaker cables.
Wussup wit'ya man?
If you don't like it do not try to compell yourself to like it... Is that what's happenin?

If you like Proac 2.5 or Nautilus 804, don't get paranoid and freaked out about your small kid since they understand parents' efforts to teach them if such will be applied with love and patience.

Grill covers on the speakers will much less attract babies' attention when babies left in the listening room without your or someone's attention.
I recommend you take a listen to the psb Stratus Goldi loudspeakers. IMHO they were more balanced and musical sounding than the 100 v2s. You may like these.

Good luck.

Thanks so much for all the thoughtful feedback so far.

Good suggestion to take a pair home, as it’s really the only way to have an "accurate" test. Would have to also borrow an appropriate amp since my current one certainly would not do justice to the 100's.

Thanks for the confirmation on your listening tests. Maybe my ears aren't broken after all?

Hmmm.. I think you may be right. I'm trying to force myself into a speaker that doesn't match my tastes (good, bad or otherwise!) but seemed to offer a lot of sound for the money. Good points on training my Daughter that Daddy's speakers are not jungle gyms. Just don't want to have a home where the kiddo's are paranoid-don't sit there, don't touch that! That’s no fun for anyone! =:o

Not familiar with he PSB speakers and I don't know of a dealer in the Portland, OR area. I'll look around to see if any are available for demo. Thanks for the tip!


Horn should also demo Monitor Audio speakers. I have heard very good things about them. Pretty wide price range as well.
No bloated bass with mine driven by Bryston 7B STs. In fact, if one thing struck me when I got these speakers it was how low and quick the bass is. They did sound unremarkable with my previous amps, especially when I got a tube line stage. Once I teamed the AR line stage with the Bryston 7B STs the sound became quite good to my ears, with the bass being about as good as I ever heard, this side of systems with powered woofers like Vandy Fives or Infinity Prelude MTS. One thing I do find is that the 100v2s require a good volume to come alive, unlike some of the small monitors. The one thing that 100v2s may lack, somewhat, is a degree of airiness found in some other box speakers, that, normally, lack any deep bass. To get both the airiness and deep bass a substantial amount of money (read way way more than the what the Paradigms cost) is required. I know that Vandy fives up here have a suggested retail price of $18,000 CDN, while the Studio 100 V2s are in the neighbourhood of $3,5000 CDN, with a street price, including sales taxes of 15%, leaving you some change from $3000.

Insofar as imaging, set-up and the room itself (proper size and proper acoustics are of paramount importance. BTW speakers in this price range (and well up from it, I might add) are always a compromise.

As another excellent speaker, Canadian made also, with a great price/performance ratio, I would suggest the Energy Veritas which, for what it's worth was well received by TAS. For openness and bass that is nowhere near bloated you should audition the Magneplanar 3.6R, which does requires a powerful amp though.