B W CDM 9 NT versus Nautilus 804

After extensive listening and numerous increases in my speaker budget, I have narrowed my search to one of the above B&W speakers. These speakers will be my first hi-end audiophile purchase. I will have to upgrade components slowly, but figured speakers would be my first big expense. I will use them for 60% music, %40 HT. Music ranges from Mahler to occas. Metallica and everything in between.

My question is this: I have seen the N804's on sale here for around $2500, about the same price as a new CDM 9NT. However, I have not seen many used CDM 9NT's listed. I can afford either pair. Should I step up to the Nautilus line and buy used, or should I stick with a new pair of the 9 NTs? Interested in any advice the more experienced may have.
I listened to both the CDM 9NT and 804N with the same front end and CDs. I can hear the obvious difference and decide on the 804N. Clearer, better soundstage, imaging ... like the above extensive input. I bought the 804N used instead of new CDM 9NT. Of course if I could afford it, I would get the 803N used.
Excellent posts Bob and Snooker14! I also owned the Nautilus 803 and I'd be curious to hear what amps you are both running for Nautilus speakers.
Best Regards,
805N = Cary sli80 integ. tube w/ 303 CD player
804N = Krell kav250a in home theater
802N = Classe401 w/ Meridian 508-24
I find the krell the least enjoyable so it stays in the theater where the Lexicon can process it . The other theater channels are Bryston. Anyone want to trade my Krell for Bryston?
Thanks for the responses my friends. They have helped and at least I know that I am not the only one that really enjoys the B&W sound. Plus, my wife liked the looks of the N804s more but didn't like the price tag of new set. Going
with a used pair may be just the thing to do.

I am also interested in what amp pairings everyone is using with these speakers. I have heard Rotel, Classe', and Bryston's pair nicely with B&W. Not sure about B&K, ATI, or the new Outlaw amp. Any opinions?

Thanks again for the helpful advice.
Regarding the amp for the N804s:
I'm using the B&K 202 (one generation removed from the current 3xx series), pushing N802s: the B&K is transparent, although for the hungry N802s I added B&K monoblocks, with the 202 driving the HTM-1 Center (a N804 in a box), as well as N805 rears: the amp is a great reasonably priced solution. The Rotel was rated very well in the articles that I read.