Talon Khorus question

Why is it that there are so many Talon Khoruses being put on sales at such very low price, around 5,000-6000 USD. All of them seemed to be very new(less than 2 years) or even brand new. Is there something that seriously bother the owners of these supposely fine speakers?
I would put Audio Tekne (spk and ic), Analysis Plus Silver Oval (spk cable), Harmonic Magic Woofer (spk and ic), Acoustic Zen (spk and ic) and Silversmith (spk and ic) on the audition list for the Khorus. The Audio Tekne I'm using replaced Siltech spk and Nirvana ic.
I think you guys have the right idea with the silver cables. The Khorus speaker is so glare and haze free on the top end that you can go for all the top-end extension and detail you can get. Cable and IC combinations that might make me cringe with other speakers, sound great on the Khorus. I'm using the Acoustic Zen IC's and Analysis Plus Silver speaker cables (shotgun)with very good results. The cable sensitivity of these speakers is extraordinary. The Analysis Plus Oval Nine (copper) cable that sounded great on a few other loudspeakers I had in for review, was absolutely horrible on the Khorus - nothing but fat mid-bass and overblown mids. I put in the AP Silver Oval and it's like a completely different speaker.

Stu McCreary
Stuart--Have you ever auditioned the Pro-Silways Mk II's with the Khorus'? Just curious how they compare with what you're using. I had heard the Analysis Silver Ovals were very detailed but a little light in the bass. I agree the Khorus' allow you to go for max detail without worrying about excessive harshness or edge, but I would be concerned about sacrificing some richness and bass authority. Thanks to everyone for their recommendations. I thought I was done cable shopping, but I may have spoken too soon.