Alternatives to Stoplight Pen RIP

Now that Audio Prism--makers of the CD Stoplight Pen--have gone out of business, I'm wondering if I can substitute any green, permanent magic marker. Will black work as well as green? Should I apply it only to the edges or to parts of the surfaces?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Check out this Greening product from LAT international.

Also consider their "Once and Done" mold remover, "Clean Disc", disc cleaner and their "C-Diamond" optical enhancer with antistatic.

This combination can surprisingly keep the upgrade bug at bay. You will be surprised at how good your software (CD's DVD's SACD's and DVD-A) really sounds once the Laser can read it.

Green Line
CD Enhancement
Green coloring on the edges of a CD disk does improve the sound quality of the disk, but why? Probably no one knows for certain, but the theory that the green material absorbs stray and refracted rays of the laser beam is as likely a theory as any. We do know, however, that our Green Line treatment will passively reduce the the effects of stray light that ultimately causes jitter. By absorbing the stray light at its source, the contact point of beam and disc, it is far better than attempting to reduce its effects further down the chain with electronic jitter filteres. Of interest also, is that we have found that the effectiveness of the treatment is related not to the actual material of the dye or ink, but rather to its surface texture and to how closely the wave length of the green is to the complement of the 790 NM laser beam. A simpler example is the relationship of a blue wave length that is the exact complement to a wave length of yellow. The blue and yellow will cancel each other out and what remains is black. Black is the absence of color. Our Green Line is formulated to match as closely as possible the required wave length. Green line can be used together with C Diamond for additional performance enhancement.

Disclaimer... I do not work for, or distribute any Lat Products, I am just a totally satisfied customer for years.

HTH dave
Seems to me that I read, several years ago, that Audio Prism did not actually manufacture this pen. I believe it was a marker of European origin and available at some art supply stores (probably for $1.19). Any 'Goners remember this?
the difference between the cd stoplight and the art store markers is that the "paint is completely different and the nib on the audioprism pen has a notch to make for a neat application rather than getting it on the face of the disc.

just my experience
Is the Auric Illuminator pen any good? I was thinking of trying out the Mikro-smooth + Auric + Ionoclast combo to see if it is any better than the Mikro-smooth + Optrix + Ionoclast combo I have been using.
