Best transport for Zanden 5000 dac

What transport/s can you reccomend as top class matches for this fine dac? I gravitate to detail, smoothness(paricularly on vocals), nuetrality and dynamics. Currently I'm using Esoteric P700 which I like but feel there are better out there. An alternative to Esoteric is sought-- any thoughts on Audiomeca, Spectral, Wadia, CEC TL0? Personal experiences preferred to opinions but all comment is very welcome.
the Zanden transport is the only one linkable via the proprietary clocklink type connection developed specifically for the 2 pieces therefore has a significant sonic advantage over any other transport
If you can afford the $25k (approx) Zanden transport, that would have to be a very strong contender for the best match. I heard this combination at CES 2004 and it's sweet system.
