volume setting for ipod mini hooked to integrated

i have the ipod mini hooked to mambo integrated, how high do i set the level on the ipod and on the amp. if i have the volume on ipod way down i have to crank the amp, if other way around i dont have to turn up amp too high. what is going to give the best sound? thanks for your help.
I've heard that you don't want to set the iPod above 60-70% - potential significant distortion above that point.
Um, what sounds best to you???

In general, you don't want to overdrive either iPod or amp, so I'd start somewhere in the middle, then experiment raising one or the other. There's probably a good-sized range where it doesn't really matter, and as long as you're in that range you're ok.

But your own ears are your best judge on something like this. Trust 'em.
Buy an ipod dock so you can bypass the volume control. That's the first step towards better sound from your device.