Shanling in Washington D.C. Could it be?

I simply can't stand it any more, I'm about ready to
upgrade my cdp. I've heard Cary, Meridian, Jolida and
they all sound great (maybe even in that order)
But......Shanling is so damn cool looking, especially
compared to the above. I realize what's important here,
but with what Shanling offers; 24/96, HDCD,Tube or SS,
bypass pre. You get the idea. If this thing sounds even
close to the above, isn't it worth a consideration, considering the price?
I think so.. I live in the D.C. metro area, does anyone
in the said area have one I could hear?
Disclaimer: I am a Xindak dealer.

Sorry to add possible confusion to what seems to be a decision already made, but before you go and spend the money on a Shanling T100/T200, you owe it to yourself to check out the Xindak SCD-1 (solid-state output stages) or SCD-2 (tube output stages). We USED to be a Shanling dealer, but then heard the Xindak. 'nuff said.

Not sure if there is a dealer in the D.C. area. Contact Jay Bertrand (the US distributor for Xindak) for your nearest Xindak dealer. His website is:

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Where in my thread did I invite additional options.
Respectfully, My interest is in seeing and hearing
the Shanling product in the DC area.

No reason to get so defensive, simply trying to point out a cheaper (and better, IMHO) alternative. This is only my opinion, sorry if I offended, certainly not my intention.

The Shanling is a great player and I am sure you will be pleased with it's performance. One bit of advice: Try and audition the Shanling with and without a preamp. If you plan on running the Shanling direct into your amp, unless you have an amp with VERY high gain, you will lose a substantial amount of transient speed and dynamics.

FYI...Shanling really never intended for the preamp section to be used without a preamp (feel free to check this out with Roy Hall, the US Shanling distributor), even though many in the US seem to be using it this way. The Shanling sounded the best to my dad and I when we set the volume of the Shanling to max, and then ran the variable outputs to a preamp. Hope this helps.

Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Why wouldn't you want to consider additional options???
A troll-like post if ever i saw one.
You didn't offend at all. I've heard the Xindak Scd-1.
As a matter of fact I've pretty much listened to every-
thing in my price range ($1500-$3000) and didn't feel
the Xindak was of the quality of the fore mentioned.
I was alittle offended by hiwaves dribble. You see hiwaves,
the point is Shanling is not available in my area, I figured
with this post I might find someone who has one, and nice
enough to maybe let me see and listen for myself.