modified jolida 100, mh cd-25, or audio aero prima

I am in the process of researching a new cd player for my system and see to many choices. My system consists of marantx sr8000 as a pre, mca 50 amp, paradigm 80's front, 40's rear, and cc. I listen to music/Ht 50/50. I would like a good red book cd player for my system. I see some very good reviews for both the modified Jolida and MH. I am also interested in the audio aero prima. My budget is in the 1k to 2K range. The modified players seem very reasonable. My location does not permit me to audition these players. Your experience and expertise would be appreciated.
As far as the Jolida is concerned.

Which tubes would improve the highs the most without much sacrifice elsewhere?
Get the Jolida and you will have money to spend elsewhere. It is an outstanding player for the money (modified or not).
I moved from a Theta transport/DAC combo to a Jolida a few months ago. No comparison, the Jolida is much smoother in the mids and high, more harmonic structure, space, better sense of rhythm, dynamics, detail. This is in a unit with only a tube updgrade. Triple mica 5751's work nicely, as do Amperex 12AX7's. The only downside is that the Phillips transport used by Jolida is a cheap plastic thing, but I find most transports now days this way.
I am very close ($$) to deciding/sending my Music Hall to Dan Wright for the Tube output mod (RAM mod). His mod is very interesting, 0 feedback tube output with no op-amps used. Not just a parts upgrade.

I am very happy with my CD25 currently, but I think the mod will really make the player sing. Do some digging to read about Dan's Truth Mod's, this will give you an idea.


Matt I am also happy with my 9000es before I send it
to Modwright,today for sure I will get it. I will
update you, if this player would blow away my
AH 4000 with upsampler,and my cec transport msb dac
combination.Although it might need 100 hours or
more to burn in,the only one i heard above is the
Jolida Jd100, the performers are in the room.Eva
Cassidy whose been dead, came alive in my friend demo
room.If I did not need Sacd,if I did not have the sony
9000es, I will buy Jolida.Of course after consulting
to Dan,its clear to me the way to go is to modify
my sony.Will update. If I forget please email me.