Help to pick redbook player

I want a player mainly for redbook CD listening, but SACD, DVD, DVD-A or changer would be a bonus. I narrowed my choices to these players. I might would have to get two players. I have no opportunity to audition most of them so I am asking your opinions which one has best redbook CD playback, perhaps in decending order:

1.Arcam CD72 - $500 used

2.ROTEL RCC-1055 CD changer $500 used

3.Yamaha DVD-S2300 SACD/DVD-A/DVD $800 new

4.Philips 963 SACD/DVD/CD 192upsampling $360 new;jsessionid=4NNPNVRQN2DXUCRQNAVRX2QKGBUTSHAW?divId=0&groupId=VIDEO_GR&catId=DVD_CA&subCatId=DVD_PLAYERS_SU&productId=DVD963SA

5.Sony 222ES changer SACD/CD $300 used

6. Rega Planet 2000 $550 used

Are they all pretty close in terms of redbook playback quality or some stand off much more? Thank you!
Thank you guys, all your messages are very usefull to me. This is great board.

Yea, I've heard lotsa good thinks of Ah! and Jolida. I have not heard NAD, Shanling CD-S100 as most of these players. Though Shanling tube player with upsampling looks fun.

Fs_audio: Xindak looks also impressive, but too expensive for me.
Budrew: I guess I like detailed but rich sound if I could say so.

I thought Philps 963 DVD/SACD/CD player looks promising. It cobines versatility of multiformat player and features of hi-fi CD player:
- 192kHz Upsampling
- Multi-Layer DAC Board
- Ultra Low Jitter Master Audio Clock
- Fully Separate Analog and Digital Processors
- Separate Audio and Video Circuitry
- Twelve discrete Class-A buffer/amplifier modules
- Dual Laser Pickup
but it appears it's not regarded as better redbook player. I have no way of testing it but buying it.

Of all these players I only have heard multiple times Arcam Alpha 8 (not exactly CD72 model but I guess close) - my friend has it. And I thought I like it, and that's what I probably gonna get, though of course it's not just player - it's a combination of player + amp + speakers. So he's got Arcam Alpha 8 player + Arcam 50w amp + Kistrel speakers.

I've got Paradigm Studio 60 + HarnmanKardon AVR525 + 9-y old Sony (use as transport w/optical out) CD hi-fi system. My friend's system definetly sounds better. I don't know what I need to upgrade? I thought first I have to get CD player and hopefully SACD/DVDA palyer. I might would need to get separate amp - I am thinking of Rotel 1075 and using HK as prepro. May be Paradigms to be replaced by B&W CDM7NT...
I was going to mention the Philips 963, I have heard very good things about this unit from a reliable source.
my advice; cd player will not solve your problem. get rid of the avr525. buy a decent integrated amp. i am using unison research unico. less expensive are rotel and arcam integrateds. you can match them with same line cd player (or the arcam dvd player), voila!
I bought Arcam Appha 9 player. Now I am thinking avr525 could serve as good prepro and then I would get 2-channel power amp for the main speakers. Do you think this is a good route?