In this corner Groove Glide...

and the challenger is Last's record preservative. I have not tried gg, but there seems to be some discussion of a post cleaning step yea or nea. I use Last on all used records and nothing on new ones. Thus far happy with reduced noise and no back of the hall reduction in intimacy from those just cleaned but nothing extra. But I could be wrong. What say ye?
Years ago (15-20) I used LAST on my records and still play them with no ill effect.

I was just looking at one of my LAST stickers last night (the little dot on the record lable after you apply LAST) and wondering if there would be an improvement in sound if I had not treated it after all these years, as I was young and inexperienced in the ways of HI FI when I did use it, the posts above have made me feel better about that.
There was a time when I put Last on most of my records. There was a time when Lloyd Walker convinced me to use Gruv Glide. I used it on only about 10 records always after a thorough cleaning. After a one time listening, I hated the Gruv Glide thereafter. I then spent a good deal of time repeatedly cleaning my records to remove all traces of the Gruv Glide. I now understand that there is a Gruv Glide II which supposedly leaves less residue. I will never try it.

I have lately found that my Last treated records also benefit from a thorough cleaning on my Loricraft. I much prefer the sound having removed the residue of the Last.

In short, I think both products hurt my LP performance.
Thanks for all your information. I too have the static electricity lifting my mat with record. I need to experiment with a post-last rinse.