Reimyo CDP 777

I am looking for user opinions on the Reimyo CDP 777.
It's the best bit of audio gear I have ever heard! I had no intention of spending that sort of money - but hell, when you fall in love, money is irrelevant.
Compared to Naim CDS 3, Wadia 861 - just no race. The Reimyo is just totally musical and balanced.
Now to get gear that is up to showing it at it's best?
I'll second Eril responce, It is in a class of its own. I only have about 100 hrs on mine and it totaly blows away every player I have heard (Wadia,AA Capitole,Audiomeca,Accuphase)and at its retail price It should.
Agree with above. Compared to an Audio Note CDT2 and Levinson 36S DAC combo, it was no contest. Much more resolution, transparency, organic/natural feeling. It's not analog but awful close.