Best speaker cable for B&W?

I have a pair of B&W N805's I have a short 5 foot run, they are biwired with Monster M series Biwire. It sounds decent but I know I can do better. What kind of cable are people out there using with their B&Ws? I'm looking to spend about 130$ bucks used right now? Any suggestions or experiences?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
MIT Terminator 2 Bi-Wire. I use a them with a pair of original CDM-1 in my home office.
Squiddy - it's depends on your equipment - but I always liked high end Audioquest (Argent, Clear, Sterling, Dragon) when I had B&W's.

Cardas Neutral Reference (and Golden Reference) works well if you have "fast" solid state gear.
Bwhite cables are nice, except they'll cost you used $900+ for the Golden Cross and $600+ for the Neutral Ref. The Audioquest are all $450+.
I also think a good pair of used AudioQuest cables would work nicely. Your best bang-for-the-buck would be a bi-wired pair of AQ Argent. However, this will probably set you back $250-$300 used. I think I paid $275 for my 5' pair. If you keep your eyes open and are patient, you might find a slightly better deal (maybe $200). In the mean time, you might want to consider a pair of AQ Indigo bi-wires for maybe $50-$75 used, while you save enough money for Argents. You should be able to turn around and sell your Indigos for what you paid for them. Argent and Indigo are the best values in that series of AQ, IMHO.
