What is the best 12ax7 NOS tube ?????????

I'm looking to tube swap my 12ax7's on my Rogue M120
Magnums. What are some of the best 12ax7's ever made?
NOS Telefunkens are nice.I have three in the front end of my Audiomat integrated. Great sound and they last forever. However buyer beware as there are a lot of fakes floating around out in tubeland. You may want to check out www.audiotubes.com as Brent's got a lot of NOS stuff, lots of tube info and he is an excellent seller. Cheers
It really depends on the circuit and your taste. My preference is Telefunkens, which are a smooth-sounding tube and seem made for my Jadis equipment; old Mullards are also quite good, although in my Jadis (and my Audio Logic DAC) they sounded a shade too bright, though a little punchier and livelier than the Teles. I'm sure others have their favorites, but it would be helpful to you if they used those tubes in the Rogue and could report on the resulting sound. Otherwise, do some tube-rolling of your own to see which tubes you like the best.
It is indeed a matter of taste, having similar gear to Rcprince, I tend to agree with what he says about the Teles. Mazda France is a nice tube as well, close to the sound of the Teles, warm as well as lively and not so well known, hence cheaper.As far as the Tele fakes are concerend, I'd buy from a reputable seller to be on the safe side.